Study programs

Find out about all the studies offered at the Haute Ecole Louvain en Hainaut – HELHa in Belgium.

Applied Arts

Our programme in Advertising will help you to develop communication, graphic design, Web and digital skills.

From drawing classes to website design, marketing and pure creative work, our Advertising school will introduce you to every aspect of the advertising world. This study programme will give you a solid grounding in web design and computer graphics in addition to your training in advertising creation and strategy.

Real-time 3D impacts all areas of society linked to digital image production: video games, virtual reality, the metaverse (AR/VR), architecture, the automobile industry, aerospace, cinema, education, history, medicine, psychology, advertising, entertainment, television, the web, etc.

The Game Academy offers:

  • A human-sized teaching environment in small groups with approachable and available lecturers ;
  • A perfect mix of experienced professionals from the industry and specialised educational trainers. Duration: 3 years / 700 hours of classes per year.

Game Art Option 

The Game Art specialisation covers:

  • Software and graphic techniques used in the video game industry to design and produce the visual universes of a video game.
  • Creativity and organisation of all the stages in a game development (creation of characters, environment, 2D/3D animation, interface, graphic integration into the engine, optimisation, etc.).
  • Development of graphic abilities to improve the accessibility and playability of projects while seeking to create emotions.

Game Programming Option

The Game Programming specialisation includes:

  • Programming of real-time experience behaviours in a language that the engine can understand, including interactivity and gameplay creation as well as industry-specific tools.
  • Coding game mechanics focusing on playability and Interactivity.
  • Creating tools to meet the specific needs of the teams (gameplay, C#, C++, GD/LD and procedural assets, database, AI, optimization…).

We prepare our students for the wide diversity of professional activities in the 3D animation sector:

3D animation studio sector (pre-production, production and post-production):

  • Our programme provides an overall vision and action on the components related to the digital image – VFX, animation, 3D modelling, lighting & shading, matte painting, etc.

Web/mobile sector:

  • Creation of short animated sequences fixed and/or animated 3D structures for virtual integration/visit/augmented reality.
  • Creation of advertising spots/banners specific to internet and mobile broadcasting.

Television sector:

  • Creation of TV wraps or credits, fixed or animated 3D objects for integration into virtual sets.
  • Creation of advertising spots specific to television broadcasting.


Business & Management

In the Executive Assistant Department of this 3-year bachelor’s degree, we love to push the requirements to the levels expected by employers: highly qualified profiles with rare organisational talents, knowledge of several foreign languages, a perfect command of office automation and sharp interpersonal skills.

Staff members rely on your dynamism, initiative, discretion and rigour.

Our curriculum includes the organisation of real events such as conferences, concerts, team-building activities, project management, … and is divided into four main areas :

  • Communication: Mastery of French and foreign languages (Dutch, English, Spanish or German), verbal and non-verbal communication techniques (business correspondence, body language, oral expression and presentation, etc.)
  • IT tools and new communication technologies: office software, audio-visual and multimedia equipment, information processing, the Cloud, the web environment, etc.
  • Knowledge of the professional environment: business rules, company organisation, legal principles and ethics, etc.
  • Activities specific to the profession: development of soft skills, project management, etc

Knowledge of the medical sector is essential! In addition to regular, even intensive contact with the professional world, our programme will enable you to manage the terminology and techniques specific to this sector.

You will also be able to quickly become familiar with the IT tools used in health-related companies and hospitals.

Our 3-year bachelor’s degree combines theory and practice and is organised around 4 main areas:

  • Knowledge of the professional environment (economics, law, accounting, company organisation)
  • Communication (French, English and Dutch) and sharp interpersonal skills
  • Office automation
  • Medical background

If you like juggling with figures, helping and advising others, then you could be a great future accountant.

In the Accounting programme of our 3-year Bachelor degree, we love to push the requirements to the levels expected by employers: highly qualified profiles in taxation and management, with sharp interpersonal skills.

Our training is based on 5 main axis:

  • Accounting & Taxation: identifying and defining any problems proposing solutions and recommendations.
  • Economics: understanding the issues facing a company and its environment.
  • Law: learning how to comply with legal and ethical rules and mastering the sources of tax regulation.
  • Communication: communicating both orally and in writing in a multilingual context (Dutch or English) with both internal and external economic partners.
  • IT: mastering general computer technologies and those specific to the accounting profession.

Each of these areas is dealt with in different courses aiming at combining skills and subjects in as many situations and disciplines as possible.

The Hotel Management 3-year bachelor’s degree offers students two options from the first year onwards:

  • The Management oriented option opens up a wide range of horizons thanks to the advanced learning of foreign languages (three languages) and mastery of economic mechanisms.
  • The Culinary Arts option involves learning two foreign languages and technical and organisational skills in the kitchen and dining room.

Whichever direction you choose, these studies offer a versatile, captivating, professionalising and well-balanced education, with in-company placements starting in the second year and meeting the needs of the target sectors.

This Bachelor degree is based on the four pillars of Hotel Management:

Welcoming guests and communication skills: Language skills are very important in Hotel Management. Our curriculum includes three foreign languages: English and two other languages to be chosen from Dutch, German and Spanish.

Managing the establishment by integrating the principles of sustainable development and sound management: our programme includes courses in management, organisation, law, accounting, taxation and economics, as well as specialised courses linked to the hotel industry, such as accommodation, reception technology and hotel management.

Identifying customer needs in order to sell products and services: Hotel Management students need to understand the basics of marketing, such as market segmentation, customer satisfaction, promotion and advertising techniques, event organisation.

Mastering the basics of catering: catering technologies, the art of oenology, hygiene standards, etc. The aim is not to be able to do what catering professionals do, but to know what they do on a daily basis.

Activities are organised outside the establishment, in particular visits and seminar as training in Hotel Management only makes sense if the theoretical approach and experience in the field are harmoniously balanced.

The 3-year bachelor’s degree in business informatics focuses on the following areas:

– Computer operation, programming methods and principles, technologies and basic languages

– Mobile technologies, networks and databases

– Advanced programming techniques (JAVA enterprise, C++, .net: C#, ASP, etc.) and methods of project analysis and management

– Communication in French and English

– New Information and Communication Technologies (NICT) ethics and law

Each of these areas is covered in different courses in order to combine skills and subjects in as many different situations and disciplines as possible.

Our aim is to push the requirements to the levels expected by employers: highly skilled profiles in programming, project analysis and project management, as well as excellent interpersonal skills.

Rigorous organisational and communication skills in addition to a good team spirit are essential to work in the Logistics and Supply Chain sectors.

Our 3-year bachelor’s degree in Logistics Management enables students to evolve in an exciting professional world where they will be able to carry out a variety of activities and take on new challenges and responsibilities every day.

This degree combines theory and practice and focuses on four axes:

Management: management, accounting, economics, marketing, Human Resources etc.

Transport: geography, import/export, transport management and planning, etc.

Supply Chain and Logistics: packaging, handling and warehousing, distribution channels, purchasing and supply management, mathematics, statistics, data management, etc.

Legislation: social and fiscal regulations, safety, prevention, insurance, etc.

Visits to companies and trade fairs are regularly organised (the Port of Antwerp, IKEA, the Tournai Military Logistics School (Elog), Colruyt, Coca-Cola, etc.)

Partnerships with professional centres in transport, logistics and Supply Chain give the opportunity to our future graduates to obtain additional certificates while developing their skills in food traceability, identification systems (RFID), Voice Picking,

management systems (Enterprise Resource Planning – ERP) or in international regulations for the carriage of dangerous goods by road (ADR).

Practical business cases and contests in French or in English allow our future professionals to put their skills and knowledge into practice in concrete situations.

Professionals in the tourism and leisure sector, as well as consumers, are increasingly demanding and looking for quality service. The tourism industry needs professionalism, versatility, and adaptability from its staff.

Tourism professionals travel abroad and meet people from other countries in the frame of their work, which is why knowledge of foreign languages is essential.

The 3-year bachelor’s degree in tourism offers a diversified and rich learning experience.

In addition to the economics and management sides, learning activities cover geographical, environmental, relational and cultural aspects, including guiding.

Innovative technologies and project management (products, events, etc.) are integrated into the learning process.

Multilingualism plays a central role (English and two languages among German, Spanish and Dutch).

In 3rd year, future graduates make a choice between three modules to deepen their skills in those specific areas:

– Travel organisation

– Entertainment project

– Hotel industry

Visits, conferences, seminars and professional study trips contribute to the professional integration of future graduates.

Commercial companies, institutions in the non-profit sector and non-governmental organisations all need marketing nowadays. Consumers are increasingly demanding and looking for products and services that meet their needs and expectations precisely. This is where Marketing comes in!

The HELHa Marketing section trains sales staff, marketing assistants and decision-makers focusing on those aspects. Their tasks include listening to customers and proposing appropriate solutions to meet their requirements, choosing target customers to be reached by marketing campaigns, helping to design products and services and set prices.

Developing a company’s communication policy, distribution strategies and methods is also part of their responsibilities. Marketing graduates work in a wide variety of sectors.

Our 3-year bachelor’s degree in marketing is a multi-purpose programme: in addition to specialised courses in Marketing such as sales techniques, international marketing, consumer marketing, merchandising and geomarketing, e-marketing, market research methodology, etc., students also take courses in economics, particularly general economics, as well as accounting.

The use of various IT tools, statistics and legal concepts in civil and commercial law completes the curriculum.

Our programme also focuses on human relationships which are essential in the marketing sector. Human sciences courses, psychology and group dynamics are thus offered as part of the curriculum.

Finally, foreign languages (English and Dutch or German) remain important aspects of the bachelor’s degree in marketing, as this is a rapidly expanding and increasingly international profession.

Are Public Relations a promising job for the future? At HELHa, there is no doubt about that!

Your studies in Public Relations will enable you to shine in a wide range of professions: press officer, community manager, marketing assistant, project manager…

Practical work in real-life situations, event projects and, of course, work placements from the second year onwards give students the opportunity to face concrete situations.

In addition to courses focusing on communication, languages, economics, and new information technologies, our programme offers a variety of activities such as Public Relations weeks, meetings with digital communication professionals, specialised seminars (Creativity, videos editing for smartphones, mailing, etc.), trips abroad, “Midis de la Presse” (conferences and debates with professionals), international exchanges and events. All those activities are organised by a highly motivated teaching team!

Our degree enables future graduates to develop a critical mind and become specialists in managing in-house and external relationships.

This 3-year bachelor’s degree in public relations focuses on four main areas:

Communication: press and advertising, argumentation techniques and speaking skills, brand identity and image, event communication, etc.

New Information Technologies: social media and community management, social and digital strategies, seminars on social media strategies and web communities, digital communication tools, visual communication, web content and writing, etc.

Languages: English, Dutch, Spanish.

Economics: management, marketing, socio-economic news, management, etc.

Immersion at the heart of the profession

From the second year onwards, students will have the opportunity to practise skills in a real-life environment and thus gain professional experience.



This 3-year Bachelor’s degree provides training for a profession focused on human beings.

Future graduates will acquire skills to help people develop their personal and social growth as well as their autonomy in an environment that caters to their individual needs.

Students will improve research techniques, thinking abilities and self-examination methods enabling them to adapt their learning process to meet tomorrow’s challenges.

Psycho-Educational support requires teamwork and interpersonal skills such as respect, seriousness, creativity, energy, audacity.

At the end of this 3-year study programme, new graduates will be ready to work in different fields including youth and disabled assistance, day care centres, elderly centres, health, education, professional and social reintegration, etc.

This 4-year programme prepares future graduates to work with children from 2.5 to 8 years old helping them develop their personality and acquire basic skills to grow and thrive in their learning process.

Students will be able to observe, analyse, imagine, create, assess, experiment, readjust learning activities that engage young children and provide them with meaningful teaching through experimental approach.

This versatile training programme focuses on personal research while promoting cooperation with the educational team.

During the courses and the different placements, future teachers will also develop skills in the following areas: group activities facilitators, music and artistic expression, theatre for children, sustainability…

The three main objectives of our University College are reflected in this Master’s degree just as described in our social, cultural and educational project:

· Preparing students to become responsible citizens in our society

· Promoting development and growth of our students through autonomy and responsibilities

· Training students to play an active role in tomorrow’s world.

This 4-year programme prepares our students to work with children from 5 to 12 years old. It means that they will have the opportunity to shape the lives of young children by sharing their knowledge and teaching skills that will help them to succeed in their future life.

Teacher Training – section 2 is an exciting profession offering a wealth of human resources and making each day different from the previous one.

Our programme therefore focuses on developing skills in the knowledge and know-how requested in this line of work. Our objective is also to develop research techniques, self-examination methods, thinking abilities to help future graduates to adapt themselves to current and future challenges.

Our school draws its values from Humanism. Our main pillars are respect, proximity with the educational staff and a homely atmosphere.

Work and investment are the keys to success while our teachers are there to lead the way.

At the end of their training programme, students will gain access to a large panel of career opportunities.

Education is and must remain the watchword of our society. It requires a skilful blend of energy, audacity, creativity to make tomorrow’s world fairer, more united and more sustainable.

This 4-year master’s degree prepares future graduates to work with children and teenagers from 10 to 15 years old.

Being a teacher in the Section 3 of the Teacher Training sector is an exciting job with a rich human side full of challenges and daily contacts with young people and teenagers, helping them to discover new areas of knowledge, new social links and new cultures.

Our programme therefore focuses on developing skills in the knowledge and know-how requested in this line of work. Our objective is also to develop research techniques, self-examination methods, thinking abilities to help future graduates to adapt themselves to current and future challenges.

Our school draws its values from Humanism. Our main pillars are respect, proximity with the educational staff and a homely atmosphere.

Work and investment are the keys to success while our teachers are there to lead the way.

At the end of their training programme, students will gain access to a large panel of career opportunities.

Education is and must remain the watchword of our society. It requires a skilful blend of energy, audacity, creativity to make tomorrow’s world fairer, more united and more sustainable.


School of Engineering


The HELHa School of Engineering offers Master’s degrees in industrial engineering.


· Biochemistry

· Chemistry

· Electromechanics

· Electronics.

Our courses are built on a broad and solid common base. Many courses (e.g. environmental aspects of production, management) are common to all our engineers. They are complemented by specialty courses depending on the selected field of study.

To ensure that our programmes are as friendly and exciting as possible for the students, all the teachers at the School of Engineering invite them to enjoy:

· a local teaching approach that implies a close relationship between teachers and students. Our small sections enable students to work in small groups supervised by teachers who are accessible and available;

· interactive teaching methods enabling students to acquire the knowledge and know-how, together with the interpersonal skills required for their future careers. Numerous practical activities in laboratories are organized, and a project-based approach is provided;

· preparation for the job market through internships in direct contact with today’s industrial world;

· a pleasant atmosphere where hard work meets conviviality through various activities: induction day, section annual dinner, engineers’ ball, etc. … .

While most courses at our School of Engineering are taught in French, we offer a semester of courses in English in electronics/electromechanics.

The program is as follows:



Recruitment, training, well-being at work…

Can you imagine yourself recruiting staff in a company or an association? Organizing their training, managing internal communication, and maintaining relationships with your social partners?

Or do you prefer managing employment contracts, salaries, budgets and collaborating with social services?

Good news!

In this bachelor degree in Human Resources Management, students will be able to discover both:

– « Soft HR » (human relations management): recruitment and training of coworkers, internal communication, management of relationships with social partners, etc.

– « HARD HR » (staff management): employment contracts, salaries and budgets, collaboration with social services, etc.

The course program, alternating theory and practice carried out either at school or in collaboration with external partners allows training in both areas of Human Resources Management. Most of the teaching staff are professionals working in Human Resources.

In the final year, the professional integration seminar enables students to carry out a project from A to Z for an external partner. For example, they will work on implementing a training policy or think about how to develop well-being in the workplace. In this way, students integrate the techniques learned in the various general courses and workshops.

The internship lasting 6 months and spread over the 3 years of studies help the student to discover the practical side of Human Resources management in private companies, in the temporary employment sector, in public institutions, or healthcare organizations. The training leads to many opportunities of work and a rapid access to the job market.

Icing on the cake, the premises where the training takes place have just been renewed!!

If you are curious, open-minded, creative and attracted to a profession requiring contact skills, studies in Communication are for you!

This three-year bachelor’s degree offers a multifaceted training, allying practice and theory sessions on three types of professions:

– Sociocultural animation and permanent education

– Business communication

– Journalism

Projects and internships to discover the versatile aspects of this profession

· Many courses are taught by professionals and experts working in the communication sectors.

· Immersed in a wide range of professional projects, students enjoy high quality media equipment such as cameras and video recorders and have access to our video, radio and photo studios.

· By carrying out projects and internships lasting 6 months and spread over their studies, communication students discover these three professions in a concrete and practical way.

Languages, an asset in the communication sector

During classes or language immersion activities, students practice English, as well as Dutch or Spanish (optionally as a second foreign language).

What makes us special?

In the frame of their bachelor’s dissertation, students are requested to provide a digital e-portfolio demonstrating their specific trainings and displaying their best achievements: video clips, pictures, writings and graphics, etc. This e-porfolio, started at the beginning of the degree, will undoubtedly serve as a great business card to stand out in the professional world!

HELHa provides this 3-year bachelor’s degree in social work in

  • Louvain-la-Neuve
  • Mons
  • Montignies-sur-Sambre

The Social Department of HELHa trains professional actors in Social Service and Social action.

The social worker aims to promote interventions fighting inequalities and exclusion and develop a fair and more united society. Most of the time he works with a multi-disciplinary team (lawyers, nurses, doctors, educators, psychologists, …) closely collaborating with various networks.

Social workers act at three levels

  • Individualized social work: office work, home calls, street work, social initiatives…
  • Working groups: discussion groups, group projects, self-help groups, …
  • Community social work: participatory projects, actions to prevent and combat exclusion, questioning, etc.


Being a social assistant means promoting human rights, solidarity, social justice and democracy.

At HELHa, you will find a wide range of learning opportunities (courses, workshops, residential seminars, individual supervision, study trips, hosting social exhibitions, weekends with people with reduced mobility, etc.) and you will benefit from almost 120 days of work experience to help you become a real professional!

Students are given the opportunity to acquire a concrete experience: trips, integration seminars, outdoor activities, and so on. A wide range of activities in which you play an active part! We also listen to your ideas.

On our 3 locations, “individual supervision” is a central concern. The courses are given in a friendly atmosphere by teachers close to their students.

Result of a collaboration between the Social Department of HELHa in Louvain-la-Neuve and the Social Department of HENALLUX in Namur, this 2-year-Master (120 credits) aims to train future managers in the non-profit sector (social, cultural, medico-social, socio-economic, environmental, etc.) who will be responsible for social action projects.

Political and institutional analysis, management, strategic and managerial steering, as well as many other skills will be acquired.

This is also a great opportunity for the students of this Master to meet politicians, social partners, trade unions, employers, researchers, scientific experts and association leaders.

This university-level programme, offered by the Social Department of the two University Colleges, offers a wide range of career prospects in positions of responsibility essential to the development of the non-profit sector, such as institutional manager (director, department manager, coordinator), project or programme coordinator, adviser/consultancy, research officer, project manager, etc.

Whether already active professionally or not, many Bachelors have access to this Master’s degree, without having to go through an additional year:

  • Bachelor degrees in social work, psychology, communication, marital and family counselling, social counselling, international cooperation, social ecology, educator specialised in psycho-educational support, human resources management, administrative sciences and public management, community health nursing, human and social sciences, political science, sociology and anthropology, occupational therapy;
  • Recognition of professional and/or personal experience.


Compatible with a professional activity, the courses are given mainly on Thursday afternoon and Fridays, on the campus of your choice (Namur or Louvain-la-Neuve), with the possibility of exemptions and staggering of the programme. The professional field is considered as a solid basis for research activities.

METIS opts for a multidisciplinary approach. It combines the resources of anthropology and sociology with those of urban planning, architecture, economics, psycho-sociology, education sciences and political science.

If you want to …

  • Think and act on the social and environmental fabric;
  • Being both a thinker and a driving force in the process of change and social innovation.

This Master’s programme is for you!

Organised by three University Colleges (HELHa, HEH and HEPH Condorcet) and two Universities (UMONS and UCL), this programme focuses on social transitions – particularly linked to the processes of globalisation – and on the related social innovations.

In this way, the Master in Social Transitions and Innovations studies the changes taking place at the level of:

  • Economic and urban areas
  • Public policy
  • Relationship with nature
  • Digital cities
  • Polarisation and resilience of heritage
  • Relationship with work
  • Employment and new social insecurities
  • Migration, diasporas and interculturality
  • Family structures and mobility
  • Gender and intergenerational tensions
  • Population ageing.

Result of an alliance between the Haute Ecole Louvain en Hainaut (HELHa) and UCLouvain, the master’s degree in strategic communication (work-integrated learning) is unique in Belgium. This promising joint degree course began for the very first time in September 2023.

This Master degree is aimed at people with a bachelor degree in communication (from a University College or University) who want to develop their skills in strategic communication and project management, and gain valuable professional experience.

Spread over two years, this programme combines:

  • Academic courses (evenings and Saturday mornings) at UCLouvain FUCaM – Mons;
  • Professional activities, within a company or organisation, on the basis of a paid work-study contract, and supervised by the HELHa team.

Management support and advice, team management, digitisation of communication processes, and many other cutting-edge skills are developed.

If you want to become a communication expert, whether in companies, communication agencies, institutions or in the non-profit sector, this Master degree is for you!